Thursday, January 15, 2015

Interview with De'Michael Jackson

I had the pleasure to interview the starting running back for the Southeast Missouri State Redhawks, De'Michael Jackson. From interviewing him I found him to be a really nice young man that is hard-working, and determined to make it to the NFL. I am very gracious that De'Michael took the time out of his busy schedule to do this interview. I have attached a link to his college highlight video at the bottom of the interview, you should check it out. Here is the interview between De'Michael and myself, Michael Miles.

MM: Can you introduce yourself?
DJ: My name is De’Michael Jackson, I play running back and I’m a senior here at Southeast Missouri State.

MM: You are from Louisville, Kentucky. You had offers from Indiana State, Eastern Kentucky, and even a chance to walk-on at an SEC school at Kentucky. Why did you decide to choose SEMO as your school?
DJ: I had some pretty good offers coming out of high school and people still ask me to this day why did I go to SEMO? But to me it was never about the name or how successful a program was before I came. I wanted to pick a school that I would be comfortable at for the next 4 or 5 years and that was a better opportunity for me to play, and hopefully make it to the next level. SEMO had produced great running backs before I came here, but none of them really got their shot at the next level and I wanted to be that guy that changed that.

MM: How was transitioning from a city of 250,000 people to a town of 30,000 people for you, and being 4 hours away from home?
DJ: The transition from 250,000 people to 30,000 was the hardest thing to me because I’m from the city, and I was raised by a single mother with my 6 other siblings so being away from home on my own was something that took me awhile to get used to.

MM: You were expected to have the best year of your college career, and then you broke your hand in the second game of the season against Kansas. You missed the next four games, but still had a terrific season. If you weren’t injured you would have easily had over 1,000 yards rushing. What did you do mentally and physically to make sure that you would come back and have a great season?
DJ: When I broke my hand I was devastated because I've never in my life missed a game of any sport, and I've had all types of things wrong with me in the past so it was very new to me. I was down on myself real bad for a while, but if it wasn't for the support of my teammates and coaches pushing me and encouraging me then I wouldn't have finished strong like I did.

MM: As a player and as a team, what do you think was the biggest difference this season compared to last season?
DJ: The biggest difference this season was that we was more bought into what coach Tuke was doing and came together as a team.

MM: What do you think you improved on the most this season?
DJ: This season I improved on my pass blocking, last year I struggled at times with my pass blocking but the techniques that Coach Martin taught me, made things a lot easier for me.

MM: If there is one thing that you need to improve on, what would it be?
DJ: My strength. I need to get a lot stronger then what I am now.

MM: What kind of changes did Coach Tuke bring to the program that you enjoyed the most?
DJ:Coach Tuke brought excitement to this program. He made us love the game of football again.

MM: What are the rivalries with Murray State and SIU like for the team? What are they like for you personally?
DJ: The rivalry between Murray State and SIU is the same as it is to any other team we play. I don’t like them, so when it’s time to strap on the pads and the ball is kicked off, it’s straight business. I’m a competitor, and the game of football is what saved me from the streets growing up so I take every game serious and treat every game the same with a lot of serious emotions.

MM: What was your favorite game or moment from a game this season?
DJ: My favorite moment was when Paul McRoberts scored the game winning touchdown against Southeast Louisiana. The place went crazy and it was the best atmosphere I’ve seen since I've been here at SEMO.

MM: What will you take away the most from this season?
DJ: We actually took a step forward this season, so now we gotta add a couple more pieces and get a conference title.

MM: What is your biggest regret about this season?
DJ: I don’t have any regrets this season because every day we went hard as a team and competed. 

MM: How do you feel about the future of the program?
DJ: I feel like the future of this program is going to be great. With the way Coach Tuke runs things and mentors you, I honestly believe there will be some more championships that will be celebrated in Cape Girardeau.

MM: What expectations do you have for yourself for next season? What expectations does the team have for next season?
DJ: I have high expectations for myself next season, I've never won a ring, but I've been on great teams. But just never finish strong, and next season I want to change that.

MM: How have you been spending your time during winter break?
DJ: I've spent time with my family this winter break. I have 6 siblings and 4 nephews so I spend a lot of time with them when I go home because I barely get a chance to see them.

MM: What artists or songs do you listen to before a game?
DJ: The artist and song I listen to is "Understand Me" by Chief Keef.

MM: What do you love the most about SEMO?
DJ: I love the way fans have been sticking by our side even though in the past we've had bad years, they always support us. That's big because we actually see that and get motivated by it.

MM: If you had any advice for the running backs that are coming up what would you tell him?
DJ: That at this level it's a job. Your weakness will be exposed so you have to be on top of your game. You have to study the opponent's weakness, so that means extra film. You have to make fast cuts, be prepared to take big hits, and people stripping at the ball every play. Every move you make has to be faster and better than your opponents. When the ball gets put in your hand do something special with it, because if you don’t the next guy will.

MM: If you had one day to do whatever you want, what would it be?
DJ: Play in a NFL game. I've dreamed about that day since I first started playing football.

MM: If there is one thing you would like to see the football program achieve, what would it be?
DJ: Win a National Championship.

MM: How do you want to be remembered during your time at SEMO?
DJ: As one of the best running backs to play at SEMO.

I'm very confident that De'Michael Jackson will go down as one of the best running backs in the history of SEMO Football. I know that players at FCS schools don't receive the same amount of attention as players at FBS schools, but if he can stay healthy and have the kind of season he is capable of having, then he could have a chance to get taken in one of the later rounds. I wish him nothing but the best of luck. Below is a link to his highlights at SEMO. Give it a look, and check out his skills.

De'Michael Jackson highlight video:
You can Follow De'Michael on Twitter @DMIKE_20

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