Friday, August 14, 2015

Some Thoughts About the SEMO vs Missouri Game

On September 5, 2015 I will be traveling to Columbia, MO to watch the SEMO Redhawks take on the Missouri Tigers. I am very excited about this game because I think this will be more competitive than many people are thinking it will be. The last time these two teams met was back in 2008 where Missouri came away with a 52-3 victory over the Redhawks. Fast forward seven years and both teams are very different. Missouri is now in the SEC, and has been having success. The Redhawks have a new coach, new quarterback, and a lot of healthy starters. A lot of people feel as though this is going to be a practice for the Missouri Tigers, which is fine, keep thinking that. This team isn't the same team from 2008, and it isn't the same team that many people joke about. This is a talented team that works hard and is very competitive. If they can stay healthy they should go far this year. People seem to think that because Missouri is in the SEC that they are automatically going to dominate SEMO. If you really think about it, Missouri hasn't done anything in the SEC that they haven't done in the Big 12. I have the utmost confidence in the Redhawks' ability to pull off a win in Columbia.

Some of you might be thinking, "How in the world do you see SEMO beating Missouri?" To that I say, why can't they win? Thee kids are the same age, they all know the game, they are all athletic, hard-working, they are all humans. The only thing different about SEMO and Missouri is that Missouri has more money, a bigger stadium, bigger fan base, and more national recognition. So to me there really isn't that big of a difference between the two. When they get on the field they are equals, men vs men. If SEMO goes into this game with complete confidence and not allowing any doubt in their mind that they can win. SEMO just needs to be focused, and play as one unit with high intensity. Everyone is doubting SEMO's chances except me and many of their fans. This will be the game to help put SEMO on the map. This game is the first step to a great 2015 season for the Redhawks. I am confident that Coach Tuke will have his team mentally and physically ready to take on the Tigers in Columbia. I can't wait for this game!


  1. As a Mizzou fan, I have a lot of respect for SEMO. I think Coach Tuke can have them competitive in the OVC regardless of how the game in Columbia plays out. That being said, there are a couple of things that differentiate SEMO and Mizzou that you didn't mention: MU has more scholarship athletes and more size. Those are things that can and will influence the outcome of a game. Since the game in 2008, these are the scores of the games in the following years between Mizzou and FCS competition: 52-12, 50-6, 69-0, 62-10, 58-14, and 38-18. Of course we have seen FCS teams beat FBS teams several times in recent years, but clearly SEMO will have their work cut out for them.

    1. First of all I would like to thank you for your comment. I agree that this game will not be a make-it or break-it deal for SEMO, and no matter the outcome of the game can continue to have a great season in the FCS.

      You make some very valid points in that Mizzou has more scholarship players, and they have a history of demolishing FCS teams. But I can't help but feel that there is something a little different about this game. Maybe it's the blind optimism of being a SEMO fan and student, but at the same time I think SEMO will fair well against the Tigers.

      SEMO has a lot of very good players returning that were injured last year, and Mizzou has some of their starters injured. Plus, I have heard concerns about Mizzou's front lines, and well, Mauk hasn't turned out to be the savior that everyone was hoping he would be. Either way, I think it will be a very competitive and fun game to watch. I can't wait to get to Columbia.
